API methods for webmasters
Track and streamline your traffic monetization performance with Dao.ad statistic API .
FInd below manual and recommendations on how to easily and effectively work with the Dao.ad statistic API interface.
- The max date range is no more 30 days
- Rate Limit: 1 statistic request per 10 seconds
- For any question and suggestion - contact your personal manager.
List of statistic API endpoints and parameters description
- Push ad format
- Popunder ad format
- InPage push ad format
- Video ad format
- Native ad formathttps://daopush-api.info/api/statistic/native-web?api-key={api-key}&groupBy={groupBy}&sourceId={sourceId}&startDate={startDate}&endDate={endDate}
{api-key} - unique API key ( you can find it at your account configuration )
{groupBy} - group by hours, days, sources, country, utm_source
{timeZone} -you can set a timezone, for example &timeZone=UTC or &timeZone=Europe/Moscow. By default using your account timeZone.
{sourceId} - you can request stat per one source or per several campaigns, for example:
per one sourceId &sourceId=7113 or per several sourceId &sourceId[]=7183&sourceId[]=5322&sourceId[]=2475.
By default the summary of all sourceId.
It is required to set the date range {startDate} and {endDate}.