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# | Country | Views per day |
1 | United States (US) | 237,974,825 |
2 | India (IN) | 71,553,671 |
3 | Indonesia (ID) | 60,843,436 |
4 | Germany (DE) | 45,522,392 |
5 | Egypt (EG) | 24,318,773 |
6 | Brazil (BR) | 23,148,845 |
7 | United Kingdom (GB) | 19,498,078 |
8 | France (FR) | 17,705,057 |
9 | Bangladesh (BD) | 17,341,399 |
10 | Japan (JP) | 17,091,511 |
11 | South Korea (KR) | 16,700,276 |
12 | Turkey (TR) | 15,974,482 |
13 | China (CN) | 14,846,987 |
14 | Spain (ES) | 14,089,253 |
15 | Philippines (PH) | 14,006,458 |
16 | Italy (IT) | 12,756,468 |
17 | Canada (CA) | 12,370,473 |
18 | Pakistan (PK) | 11,298,220 |
19 | Ukraine (UA) | 9,973,153 |
20 | Malaysia (MY) | 9,825,464 |
21 | Poland (PL) | 9,773,235 |
22 | Vietnam (VN) | 9,495,315 |
23 | Iraq (IQ) | 9,419,105 |
24 | Mexico (MX) | 9,253,728 |
25 | Argentina (AR) | 8,712,063 |
26 | Nigeria (NG) | 8,482,978 |
27 | Australia (AU) | 7,955,628 |
28 | Uzbekistan (UZ) | 7,233,632 |
29 | Chile (CL) | 7,143,286 |
30 | Thailand (TH) | 6,808,525 |
31 | Sweden (SE) | 6,498,548 |
32 | Kazakhstan (KZ) | 6,266,385 |
33 | Netherlands (NL) | 5,375,742 |
34 | South Africa (ZA) | 5,310,264 |
35 | Peru (PE) | 4,983,005 |
36 | Nepal (NP) | 4,280,074 |
37 | Azerbaijan (AZ) | 4,233,403 |
38 | Algeria (DZ) | 4,097,595 |
39 | Greece (GR) | 3,711,867 |
40 | Colombia (CO) | 3,673,494 |
41 | Sri Lanka (LK) | 3,633,916 |
42 | Morocco (MA) | 3,601,044 |
43 | Romania (RO) | 3,173,189 |
44 | United Arab Emirates (AE) | 3,071,966 |
45 | Saudi Arabia (SA) | 3,047,782 |
46 | Denmark (DK) | 2,980,945 |
47 | Portugal (PT) | 2,910,748 |
48 | New Zealand (NZ) | 2,738,901 |
49 | Switzerland (CH) | 2,696,106 |
50 | Hungary (HU) | 2,654,262 |
51 | Venezuela (VE) | 2,552,498 |
52 | Czechia (CZ) | 2,436,311 |
53 | Austria (AT) | 2,328,493 |
54 | Taiwan (TW) | 2,165,484 |
55 | Kenya (KE) | 2,142,611 |
56 | Ecuador (EC) | 2,110,489 |
57 | Jordan (JO) | 2,048,362 |
58 | Belgium (BE) | 1,982,190 |
59 | Singapore (SG) | 1,969,867 |
60 | Belarus (BY) | 1,929,498 |
61 | Norway (NO) | 1,862,880 |
62 | Honduras (HN) | 1,811,421 |
63 | Tanzania (TZ) | 1,802,869 |
64 | Bulgaria (BG) | 1,788,358 |
65 | Serbia (RS) | 1,594,593 |
66 | Ghana (GH) | 1,501,043 |
67 | Finland (FI) | 1,389,289 |
68 | Hong Kong (HK) | 1,358,952 |
69 | Israel (IL) | 1,346,428 |
70 | Slovakia (SK) | 1,293,056 |
71 | Mongolia (MN) | 1,273,148 |
72 | Ireland (IE) | 1,254,044 |
73 | Tunisia (TN) | 1,060,739 |
74 | Libya (LY) | 963,505 |
75 | Cambodia (KH) | 944,902 |
76 | Iran (IR) | 898,202 |
77 | Georgia (GE) | 897,487 |
78 | Syria (SY) | 887,627 |
79 | Croatia (HR) | 871,139 |
80 | Senegal (SN) | 862,433 |
81 | Qatar (QA) | 841,656 |
82 | Guatemala (GT) | 815,056 |
83 | Bolivia (BO) | 808,652 |
84 | Oman (OM) | 808,038 |
85 | Lithuania (LT) | 788,570 |
86 | Dominican Republic (DO) | 760,413 |
87 | Paraguay (PY) | 745,547 |
88 | Kyrgyzstan (KG) | 739,310 |
89 | Ethiopia (ET) | 697,318 |
90 | Kuwait (KW) | 690,284 |
91 | Tajikistan (TJ) | 670,986 |
92 | Myanmar [Burma] (MM) | 648,097 |
93 | Ivory Coast (CI) | 597,170 |
94 | Palestine (PS) | 590,220 |
95 | Costa Rica (CR) | 585,439 |
96 | Lebanon (LB) | 578,353 |
97 | Armenia (AM) | 549,225 |
98 | Panama (PA) | 523,063 |
99 | Malawi (MW) | 514,512 |
100 | Togo (TG) | 514,267 |
101 | Laos (LA) | 496,659 |
102 | Slovenia (SI) | 496,112 |
103 | Bahrain (BH) | 468,713 |
104 | Moldova (MD) | 462,313 |
105 | Latvia (LV) | 447,501 |
106 | Cameroon (CM) | 444,606 |
107 | Bosnia and Herzegovina (BA) | 430,002 |
108 | Angola (AO) | 423,285 |
109 | Mali (ML) | 419,790 |
110 | Yemen (YE) | 415,954 |
111 | Uruguay (UY) | 412,162 |
112 | El Salvador (SV) | 404,589 |
113 | Sudan (SD) | 384,497 |
114 | Somalia (SO) | 343,931 |
115 | Puerto Rico (PR) | 336,342 |
116 | Uganda (UG) | 331,786 |
117 | Zambia (ZM) | 306,095 |
118 | Estonia (EE) | 305,023 |
119 | Maldives (MV) | 284,735 |
120 | Gabon (GA) | 280,602 |
121 | Nicaragua (NI) | 280,544 |
122 | Trinidad and Tobago (TT) | 273,875 |
123 | Cyprus (CY) | 273,564 |
124 | Jamaica (JM) | 273,186 |
125 | Brunei (BN) | 245,247 |
126 | Mozambique (MZ) | 238,857 |
127 | Macedonia (MK) | 228,424 |
128 | Burkina Faso (BF) | 225,273 |
129 | Mauritania (MR) | 220,703 |
130 | Albania (AL) | 208,347 |
131 | Montenegro (ME) | 201,470 |
132 | Mauritius (MU) | 195,960 |
133 | Rwanda (RW) | 194,775 |
134 | Zimbabwe (ZW) | 193,851 |
135 | Botswana (BW) | 190,756 |
136 | Democratic Republic of the Congo (CD) | 185,859 |
137 | Barbados (BB) | 181,939 |
138 | Cuba (CU) | 179,264 |
139 | Afghanistan (AF) | 178,363 |
140 | Reunion (RE) | 172,596 |
141 | Luxembourg (LU) | 152,596 |
142 | Papua New Guinea (PG) | 139,770 |
143 | Madagascar (MG) | 131,597 |
144 | Benin (BJ) | 129,009 |
145 | Namibia (NA) | 127,252 |
146 | Malta (MT) | 118,748 |
147 | Republic of the Congo (CG) | 114,318 |
148 | Guinea (GN) | 111,541 |
149 | Martinique (MQ) | 106,715 |
150 | Turkmenistan (TM) | 102,250 |
151 | Iceland (IS) | 98,198 |
152 | Gambia (GM) | 92,479 |
153 | Chad (TD) | 92,270 |
154 | Guyana (GY) | 91,180 |
155 | Suriname (SR) | 91,113 |
156 | Belize (BZ) | 90,190 |
157 | Norfolk Island (NF) | 82,700 |
158 | Lesotho (LS) | 82,483 |
159 | Sierra Leone (SL) | 76,563 |
160 | Bhutan (BT) | 74,272 |
161 | Guadeloupe (GP) | 66,112 |
162 | East Timor (TL) | 65,907 |
163 | Bahamas (BS) | 65,769 |
164 | Seychelles (SC) | 61,974 |
165 | Cape Verde (CV) | 61,735 |
166 | Macao (MO) | 60,940 |
167 | Guam (GU) | 59,658 |
168 | Haiti (HT) | 58,026 |
169 | Niger (NE) | 52,355 |
170 | French Polynesia (PF) | 49,317 |
171 | Fiji (FJ) | 48,512 |
172 | Djibouti (DJ) | 47,938 |
173 | Saint Lucia (LC) | 43,535 |
174 | Bermuda (BM) | 43,442 |
175 | New Caledonia (NC) | 42,753 |
176 | Liberia (LR) | 42,631 |
177 | Grenada (GD) | 40,617 |
178 | Swaziland (SZ) | 40,232 |
179 | South Sudan (SS) | 39,351 |
180 | Curacao (CW) | 37,024 |
181 | Antigua and Barbuda (AG) | 36,408 |
182 | Burundi (BI) | 35,290 |
183 | French Guiana (GF) | 33,220 |
184 | Cayman Islands (KY) | 32,929 |
185 | Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (VC) | 32,520 |
186 | Aruba (AW) | 31,660 |
187 | Andorra (AD) | 28,321 |
188 | Saint Kitts and Nevis (KN) | 22,227 |
189 | Jersey (JE) | 20,604 |
190 | Equatorial Guinea (GQ) | 19,719 |
191 | Guinea-Bissau (GW) | 19,654 |
192 | Dominica (DM) | 18,565 |
193 | Solomon Islands (SB) | 18,465 |
194 | Isle of Man (IM) | 18,257 |
195 | U.S. Virgin Islands (VI) | 17,744 |
196 | Sint Maarten (SX) | 17,158 |
197 | Vanuatu (VU) | 15,280 |
198 | Samoa (WS) | 15,115 |
199 | Comoros (KM) | 14,608 |
200 | Faroe Islands (FO) | 13,224 |
201 | Guernsey (GG) | 12,929 |
202 | British Virgin Islands (VG) | 12,820 |
203 | Saint Martin (MF) | 12,555 |
204 | Greenland (GL) | 11,919 |
205 | Turks and Caicos Islands (TC) | 10,527 |
206 | San Marino (SM) | 9,730 |
207 | Gibraltar (GI) | 9,597 |
208 | Federated States of Micronesia (FM) | 8,612 |
209 | Tonga (TO) | 8,513 |
210 | Northern Mariana Islands (MP) | 8,203 |
211 | American Samoa (AS) | 7,635 |
212 | Liechtenstein (LI) | 7,601 |
213 | Monaco (MC) | 7,529 |
214 | Palau (PW) | 7,092 |
215 | Caribbean Netherlands (BQ) | 6,391 |
216 | Sao Tome and Principe (ST) | 6,289 |
217 | Anguilla (AI) | 6,036 |
218 | Mayotte (YT) | 5,578 |
219 | Central African Republic (CF) | 5,429 |
220 | Marshall Islands (MH) | 4,536 |
221 | Aland (AX) | 4,356 |
222 | Saint Pierre and Miquelon (PM) | 3,879 |
223 | Cook Islands (CK) | 3,485 |
224 | Kiribati (KI) | 2,453 |
225 | Antarctica (AQ) | 2,070 |
226 | Falkland Islands (FK) | 1,340 |
227 | Nauru (NR) | 1,296 |
228 | British Indian Ocean Territory (IO) | 1,250 |
229 | Wallis and Futuna (WF) | 1,167 |
230 | Saint Barthélemy (BL) | 1,164 |
231 | Eritrea (ER) | 893 |
232 | Montserrat (MS) | 833 |
233 | Niue (NU) | 302 |
234 | Tuvalu (TV) | 189 |
235 | Tokelau (TK) | 78 |
236 | North Korea (KP) | 52 |
237 | U.S. Minor Outlying Islands (UM) | 26 |
238 | Cocos [Keeling] Islands (CC) | 3 |
239 | Pitcairn Islands (PN) | 3 |
240 | Bouvet Island (BV) | 2 |